FPS Strategy and Support – DG Digital Transformation, undertakes to make this site accessible in accordance with the following legislation: Law of 19 July 2018 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

This Accessibility Statement applies to:

The website https://sma-help.bosa.belgium.be/

Level of compliance 

This website is in partial compliance due to the non-conformities and exemptions listed below.

Preparation of the declaration 

An external accessibility audit was conducted. This audit consisted of a simplified analysis in Dutch & French. You can read the report here:

Non-accessible content

We do our utmost to ensure that our entire site is accessible to all. However, some parts of the site are not yet fully accessible. 

Various problems still exist on this site:

  • There is no textual alternative to image elements
  • Not all HTML and XHTML documents have a title element, the same goes for frame and iframe elements.
  • The default language of an HTML document cannot be detected automatically using a "lang" attribute
  • Assistive technologies cannot optimally interact with content.

Proposed alternatives

While waiting to be able to correct some non-compliant content, you can contact the Service Desk in case of problems.

The Service Desk of the SPF BOSA DG Digital Transformation can be reached by phone on 02 740 79 92 or by e-mail via servicedesk.dto@bosa.fgov.be 

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of our site, you can contact:

FPS Strategy and Support

Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30, Bte 1

WTC III 1000 Bruxelles  info@bosa.fgov.be

+32 (0)2 740 74 74

If the answer is not satisfactory you can our complaints procedure. If you do not agree with the response provided by our complaints service, you can contact the Federal Ombudsman:

Rue de Louvain 48 bte 6 1000 Brussels


Improvement Plan

The website will be subject to an in-depth analysis by us in the months following the publication of this accessibility statement.

This statement was prepared on 26/09/2023

The declaration was last examined on 26/09/2023.

We plan to complete this accessibility in 2024.

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